You are here: Student Life > School Forms & Releases > Medication Policy
Medication Policy
It is preferable that any medication, prescription or non-prescription, be given before or after school hours. However, if it is essential that a student receive medication during school hours the following criteria must be strictly adhered to:
A physician or licensed medical personnel completes a prescription medication form previous to the administering of any medication.
A parent or legal guardian must sign a separate consent form previous to the administering of any medication.
Any medication to be given during school hours must be brought to the administrative office by a parent or legal guardian. The medication must be brought to the school in the original pharmaceutically dispensed and properly current labeled container.
Cough drops and throat lozenges are included under the Medication Policy and need a medication consent form signed for dispensing. Therefore, no cough drops or lozenges will be dispensed to students without a signed medication form. All cough drops or lozenges must be left with the teacher.
All medication requests must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.
The initial dose of medication will not be given at school except in a life-threatening situation.